Monday, April 4, 2011

Thought Gasp 3

I don't understand why people get into romantic or personal monogamous relationships. To me a relationship signifies incompletion of oneself. Is that why you do it? What do you get from having a relationship with another person?

I am able to find everything I need from:
a) nature (calm)
b) an animal (affection)
c) masturbation (my itch scratched)
d) family, friends and colleagues (connection)
e) food, shelter, clothing (basics)
f) work (volunteering, job, housework) (sense of achievement, usefulness)
g) personal goals (motivation and hope)

So educate me if you can, I want to know if I am missing out on anything? I have a thread running on Pink Sofa, if you have something to say join here.